Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Top 3 Skills For Creating a Business Simulation or Serious Game

Hello SimDevGroup Community-

Interested in creating a custom business simulation for your training and development program? Great! We have 3 skills required to create a great business simulation or serious game. 

3 Skills For Creating a Business Simulation or Serious Game:

Skill 1: Understanding of the business simulation experience- For a simulation designer to succeed, they must really understand that it's their job to create an experience for the participants. Because the business simulation or serious game cannot teach on its own, it needs an experience to do so. Thus, it is important for the designer to have a good understanding of what creates an experience.

Skill 2: Be collaborative- When designing a serious game or business simulation, the designer is going to have to solicit advice from many sources. In result, it is very important for the designer to be of a collaborative nature. If the simulation designer cannot be collaborative, it will be very difficult to gather the information needed to make a great business simulation experience.

Skill 3: Understanding of many design trades, but master of none- Well, maybe one is ok. The simulation designer will have to understand the importance of overall design and design balance. If the simulation designer is well versed in a one or a few, the simulation will feel this way. It will be unbalanced and hard to use.

Of course, this is just an overview of the many skills that are required. We just feel these are the critical skills necessary to succeed in designing a successful business simulation or designing a serious game. Its a tough thing to keep these skills in balance, but will pay dividends of balanced successfully.

We hope this helps when designing a business simulation or serious game.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Business Simulations: Top 3 Tips and Tricks to Starting

Hello SimDevGroup Community-

The question of the day is, "What are some tips and tricks to getting started with Business Simulations or Leadership Development Simulations?" We can help with this:

Top 3 Tips to Using Business Simulations or Leadership Development Simulations

Business Simulation Tip 1: Start out small- If you're using a business simulation vendor, don't cave to creating a big simulation (unless you agree its absolutely required). Actually, this even applies if your instructional designers are creating one. Chances are that a bite sized business or leadership simulation will take you a great distance. The trick is to really look at what the end goals are and ensure the simulation is re-enforcing this.

Business Simulation Tip 2: Start at the end- The best results of a business simulation comes from looking at your end goals and mapping the decisions and outcomes of the simulation to your end goals. We know this sounds reversed, but it is almost always best to start with the goals and work backwards.

Business Simulation Tip 3: Start with someone you trust- This applies to both in-house development and outside development. You really need to trust the person who is creating the solution because by nature, business simulations are very complex and will require a broad set of skills. Ensure you trust your partner or you will be uncertain and surprised at the end of the development process.

We know, this is a quick post, but we're in our peak roll out season. We promise, we'll add more soon.

Have a great rest of the week!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

HR Magazine/SHRM Article: Business Simulations and Games

Hello SimDevGroup Community-

SHRM's publication HR Magazine published an article about using Business Simulations and Business Games/Serious Games within Corporate Learning and Development. The article was written by Drew Robb and in our opinion, he did an exceptional job. The article is titled, "Let The Games Begin". Simulation Development Group is referenced with real world examples from both Novartis and Caterpillar. The article is well worth reading because the journalist chose to examine what companies are doing in the space of business simulations and business games/serious games with particular focus on outcomes.

Mr. Robb took the time to talk to users (instead of vendors) about their business simulation strategy and results. The article is exceptionally well written, very concise, and packed with real world examples.

You will need a SHRM membership to read the article. It is well worth the time and you should take a break to read it when possible. We're quite proud of our reference in the article. Let us know what you think.

Have a great weekend!