Hello SimDevGroup Community-
One the hardest things about creating a leadership development simulation is the qualitative nature of leadership. This makes most people ask, "How do I measure qualitative activities and the impact on business results within my business simulation strategy?" Its a great question which has a very complicated answer. But, we're going to try to simplify this and give you some things to think about.
3 Tips to Measuring Qualitative Activities within a Business Training Simulation:
Tip 1: Write Down The Impact on Business- If you want to teach the leadership development skill, it should have an impact on the business. Write down the top 3 places the leadership activity impacts the business. For example: Employee Engagement, Profitability, Ability to Hire, etc.
Tip 3: Create an Equation That Shows the Impact- If a team demonstrates effective leadership within the business simulation or serious game, have it impact the business in a consistent way. This will require that you create an equation to get this done. We'd tell you what this is, but we don't know what you're trying to impact or measure.
Tip 3: Keep Up The Consistency- It is important to keep the impact(s) consistent. Thus, if leadership impacts the business in one way within one of the outcomes, it must have the same impact elsewhere. If its not consistent, the simulation business game will loose credibility.
We hope this helps. Creating quantitative outcomes from a qualitative action is tough to accomplish within a business simulation. We hope these basic tips help.
Have a great day!