Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Corporate Leadership Competencies' Effect on the Business

Most larger companies have company specific core leadership competencies. In our experience, these are formed from the basis of:

- People
- Action
- Thought
- Personal
LDC Color Wheel.006
There are many company specific branches of these, but the four above are usually the foundation. In our discussions with Sr. Leaders, they tend to firmly believe in the demonstration of the corporate compentencies, but are very challenged with how to demonstrate their importance. The past few weeks we've heard this concern more often then usual. Probably because of the slow turnaround from the economic downturn and the more proactive position Sr. Leaders can take (instead of reactive).

We talked about how to measure and demonstrate corporate core leadership competencies in a previous SimDev Group blog posting. If you're interested in how to put core competencies into action and measure it's effect on the business, read this.

The reason we bring this up again is to simply have you ask the following questions:
1. How does my corporate competencies fit into my L&D strategy?
2. How does my company's current strategy fit into my L&D strategy?
3. Is the corp strategy tightly integrated into my LD content?
4. How are my company's core competencies demonstrated within my learning content?
5. What am I communicating to Sr. Mngt regarding how I'm utilizing the corp strategy and competencies considering this is what usually drives a company?

The reason we're having you ask these questions is that we are often asked these questions too often on behalf of the L&D divisions (we defer to them). These are core questions that everyone should have very clear strategies and answers to.

Go ahead and ask yourself these questions and see what the answers are. Feel free to drop us an email if we can help you think through this. We're very accustomed to the questions :).

- SimDevTeam

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