Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Cloud Computing Simulations = Reduced Travel Costs

SDG Logo Hor White Text Screen
Hello SimDev Community-

For those customers that have been working with us for a long time, you know that we are obsessed with finding ways to drive down costs. For those that may not have worked with Simulation Development Group, we are dirt cheap. Cheap to a fault at times. We can create a custom business simulation for surprising low costs (often for less than canned business training solutions). The fault comes in that we'll sometimes put this as the highest priority and our customers need to adjust this sometimes (yes, we know, there are worse problems).

"Where is this going?" you're probably asking. Its going here:

We have good news: We've figured out a way using cloud computing to create significant savings without impacting quality. WooHoo!

A custom business simulation for training or business acumen almost always requires a facilitator to be effective. A sim on its own is pretty ineffective. Sometimes we fly out to facilitate, sometimes you may want to facilitate, but we still need to be there for support. Either way, there are still travel costs incurred.

So we asked ourselves, "Is there a way for us to be there without us being there?" The answer is yes... Cloud Computing! Cool. To simplify the idea:

- You facilitate, we support you, but from our offices instead of yours. Why pay for travel when technology can let this happen remotely?

This isn't something we want to explain how (our competitors watch us closely enough as it is) within this posting. If you have questions, give us a call.

Our research shows that this creates costs savings of anywhere from $2000+ on average per delivery. This won't help if you want us to facilitate, but hey, if you want the glory, we'll give it to you.

All the best,
- SimDev Team

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