Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Business Leadership Simulation

Hello SimDevGroup Community-

Today we're going to talk about utilizing a business training simulation for leadership training. The question is: How can a training simulation be used to help teach leadership and leadership competencies. Here's the summary:
A business training simulation can help reinforce internal leadership competencies by reinforcing the positive impact of demonstrating YOUR internal leadership competencies has on business outcomes. Business outcomes? What exactly does that mean? Basically: Profitability. Or... Whatever business metric that is currently driving shareholder value.

You may be asking, "But how does a business training simulation exactly work with leadership competencies?" There's a combined solution of heavy facilitator involvement (you?), and building the importance of effective leadership into the business training simulation. We work with you to ensure that participant's demonstrate effective leadership and that that behavior is reflecting within the simulation.

So if you're working to try to better integrate the effectiveness of leadership competencies within your training program, feel free to give us a call. It doesn't have to be business training related. We have seen many interesting ways to accomplish this task and are happy to talk through some ideas.

Have a great day!

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