Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mobile Site for Business Simulations

Hello SimDev Community-

Last week, Simulation Development Group launched it's mobile site. We're pretty excited. You can now view business training simulations and leadership development simulation related information on the go. The site is optimized for most any mobile device and adjusts on its own. Thus, if you're looking to get information on business training simulation, learning simulations, or leadership development simulations from a desktop or any type of mobile device, the site will automagically adjust.

This is something that is long overdue and we just simply fell behind. But, its up and running. By no means is this final. Its just a starting point. We're going to continue to work on this and refine it over the the next couple of weeks.

To view the site, just to go with a mobile device and it will automatically adjust for you.

SimDevGroup Team

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Leadership Development Simulations and "Business"

Hello SimDev Community-

We have written extensively on utilizing a business simulation for leadership development. This is a fantastic solution for your leadership development program. Interestingly, over the past few months, we have had an unusually high number of inquireries regarding the business side of the leadership development simulation. Remember, when we say business, we are speaking generally. Every organization, from education to not for profits has a "business" side to it somewhere. Maybe your "business" is measured in the number of people you make smile. Great! We love it. But then you're in the business of smile development.

We post this note because you shouldn't feel like your organization (or sub-organization) needs to be in "business" because it doesn't. It just needs to have some sort of organization to it where somebody can learn something to better it's desired outcomes.

So, when you think of a business simulation, don't think briefcase, big glass building, and cubes. Think "me!".

Have a great weekend!

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fools Day Simulation

Hello SimDev Community-

We love pranks, fun, and laughing. Thus, we had to post something on April Fools Day. Did you know that April Fools Day has been traced back to the 1300s. WOW! People have enjoyed pranks and fun for many many years. Wikipedia has an interesting write up about April fools day here: About April Fools Day. What does this have to do with a business simulation, business training simulation, leadership development simulation, business silo simulation, or custom business simulation? Absolutely nothing. We just wanted to wish everyone a happy April Fools Day!

Have fun!
- SimDevGroup Team