There seems to be a trend in the world of business simulations and serious games… Paper! Yes, like physical paper. Why is this? It's probably because more people are aware of business simulations for training and development, but either don't have the budget, don't have the expertise, or both. Paper based business simulations are great! They should not be looked down on. With some basic forms and thinking, you can very easily create business simulations that are paper based that participants will love.
Some Tips to Paper Based Business Simulations
1. Make the 'grading' process easy on the facilitator - If you go with a paper based or inexpensive business simulation, you should make sure the facilitator has a nicely laid out form to score or grade participants. If you leave it up to the facilitator to lay out, something will certainly go wrong.
2. Provide clear instructions - Inexpensive paper based business simulations can sometimes be more difficult to understand. This is especially true when it comes to the process. You should make sure you have very clear instructions for both the facilitator(s) and for the participants.
3. Focus heavily on the story - This is very important. Because a paper business simulation will lack the 'sizzle' of a computer based solution, you need to make sure there is an engaging story. Participants will thank you.
4. Provide great visuals - This is an attempt to add the sizzle back into the program. Very well thought out visuals within your business simulation will also provide clear information that will help the participants more easily use your solution.
5. Try to reduce paper - Paper based business simulations can quickly create a sea of paper. Be nice to mother nature and try to be conscience of the paper usage.
Hope this helps!