Friday, June 21, 2013

Book About Business Simulation Games Available

Hello World!

This is a quick post to let you know that the print version of Shift: Using Business Simulations and Serious Games is now available. This is a good book to either learn about business simulation games or to get up to date if you're an 'old pro'. The book reviews the what, how, and why of using a business simulation game within your corporate training and development/leadership development programs. It's easy to read, straight to the point, and will give you plenty to think about.

Thus, if you're looking for an easy to digest book about business simulations and/or serious games, this is a good guide. Its even better now that its in physical print.

Hope this helps!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

5 Tips To Learn About Business Simualtions and Serious Games

Hello World-

How about some tips? Top 5 feels good today. Let's dive right in.

5 Tips To Learn More About Business Simulations and Serious Games

Tip 1: Ask Others- Of course this is obvious, but how about beyond just the area of your office. Get on forums, go to trade shows, call various vendors. Ask others about business simulation games and find out what others have done.

Tip 2: Buy a Book- Of course, there's bias here, but there are various books on the market. Just try to find one that is at your level. There are some pretty thick and gooey books out there. You might want to pass on those. Just do a search for 'business simulations and serious games' on Amazon. You'll find something.

Tip 3: Find a Movie- Take a look around for a movie on YouTube or on Vimeo. Do a search for 'business training simulations' and see what comes up. There are few, but we haven't really looked that closely at them. Of course, we like these videos.

Tip 4: Sit In- Are you able to find someone else in the industry that is currently running a business simulation or game? Is it possible to sit in on it? This would be a great use of your time.

Tip 5: Contact Us- We're always happy to talk about sims. Just feel free to reach out. We're not a sales-e type of group so just reach out. We won't byte (get it, byte).

Hope this helps and have a great week!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Custom Business Simulation Game or Canned?

Hello World!

Should you create a custom business simulation game or a canned business simulation? This is a great question and one which we commonly hear. Of course, the answer is, it depends.

Here are some tips to help you decide if a custom business simulation or a canned business simulation is your best bet.

Custom Business Simulation Game vs. Canned Simulation

Tip 1: If you need the outcomes to be based on your custom training content, go custom. This is definitely arguable, but in general, if you've taken the time to create custom training content, chances are a custom business simulation is going to work best for you. This is especially true if you're utilizing a leadership competency model.
Tip 2: If you're training is based on a standardized training program (such as business acumen), then an off the shelf solution might be your best bet. This is pretty self explanatory. If the topic is well covered by many companies, then a canned business simulation game might work well for you.
Tip 3: Look at your budget. Even though the cost of custom business simulation games has dramatically dropped, the cost of custom development might still be prohibitive. If this is the case, ask around for a tailored business simulation. This can give you some of the best of both worlds.

Hope these 3 tips to deciding if you need a custom business simulation game vs a canned business simulation solution helps. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Have a great weekend!