Saturday, June 14, 2014

5 Tips to Applying Human Resource Tools to the Business

Hello World-

Are you thinking of increasing the adoption of your Human Resource tools? This trend seems to be on the upswing at the moment. We have seen a lot of tool development and application within large enterprises. We have a few tips from an outsiders perspective:

5 Tips to Human Resource Tool Adoption

1. Keep the tools simple to use- This probably goes without saying, but it's a good reminder. Remember, managers have a very busy job. Unless the tools are easy to naturally use, they won't be used. Keep the tools you choose to use simple and easy to utilize.

2. Pair down the number of tools- Tools are great frameworks for people to work from. But in reality, there is certainly such a thing as too many. In reality, managers will probably utilize three at the most. Pick your top three and focus on implementing these first.

3. Train managers!- Of course, this goes without saying. But to dig a little deeper, you should think about giving managers the opportunity to use the tools before they are expected to use them in the workplace. This will help naturalize the usage of the tools.

4. Practice and followup- Give managers the opportunity to practice the tools and get used to using them. If they don't have the opportunity to try before they buy, they simply won't buy.

5. Make them relevant and real- Demonstrating how these tools impact their business is critical. If they can experience the positive results of using the tools, utilization will become natural.

Even though this doesn't directly impact business simulations, it does correlate. We create a lot of simulations that focus on utilizing Human Resource tools. We thought it would be helpful to share what we've seen work and not work.

Hope this helps!

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