Hello World-
This is a little off the beaten path for a post, but we're so thrilled with a piece of technology, we thought it worth sharing.
Do you know of DropBox, GoogleDrive, or Microsoft OneDrive? Of course you do. So do we. But, we take data security extremely seriously. We also believe in technology simplicity and effectiveness. As a result, we took a look at a solution called OwnCloud.
OwnCloud is a solution that lets you create your own version of DropBox, GoogleDrive, and OneDrive (and soooo much more). Best of all, you retain complete and total control over OwnCloud. It is incredibly easy to use and is written by the open source community. We have been testing OwnCloud for Simulation Development and we have two words: It Rocks!
OwnCloud just works and works exceptionally well! Since it's mostly larger companies that read these posts, you'll love the fact the OwnCloud is Open Source, but you might be even more excited to know there is a turnkey commercial version available as well.
We have chosen to run OwnCloud on a $49 open source single board computer called BananaPi. We installed Linux onto an SD card, loaded up OwnCloud, and we had a complete Cloud Storage solution up and running in a matter of an hour or so. The BananaPi/OwnCloud 'server' has 15 computers banging on it all day long. Of course, you'd probably want to run your OwnCloud on serious iron, but this is a nice example of scalability.
We can't recommend OwnCloud enough. Its secure, its fast, and it just works.
You can learn more here:
OwnCloud Open Source
OpenCloud Commercial
Happy Holidays!
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