Monday, October 11, 2010

Software vs. Business Acumen vs. Leadership Development Simulations

Hello Simdev Community-

We apologize for a tardy post. It's been a little hectic lately, but we're back with a post about Simulation Software vs. Business Acumen, vs. Leadership Development. Here goes:

What is the different between Custom Business Training Simulation Software, Business Acumen Simulation, and Leadership Development Simulations? Answer: TONS! It feels like we have two camps of people who call us: Those that want leadership development training simulation and those that are looking for more of a business acumen simulation. Remember, we are a software development firm that specializes in developing custom business simulations for corporate development. So thus, software would be called a 'Global Parameter' when coding. This means that all of our business simulations are software based (aka: we aren't a consulting firm). But, do to the nature of this job, we have a very very firm understanding of corporate development practices and the needs of effective leadership development.

On to business acumen vs. leadership development. Without going into too much detail: Business acumen could be viewed as a technical skill. This often helps answer questions such as, "How does the business work? How do I manage and income statement? How do I effectively grow the business while managing cash flow?" In comparison, leadership development might answer questions such as, "How do I become an effective leader? How do utilize the internal leadership competencies? How do I effectively manage and grow diverse global organizations?"

Here's the catch: To be an effective Senior Manager: You need both business acumen and leadership development. A custom business training simulation should have both of these qualities. This will help develop your bench for tomorrow.

Ok, in summary: Business Acumen is having a solid foundation of effective business management skills and Leadership Development has a solid foundation of effective people and business leadership management. From our perspective, they are all developed in software to enable your leaders to practice business acumen and apply your internal leadership models.

Have a great week!

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