Friday, November 5, 2010

Training To Reduce Business Silos

Hello SimDev Community-

We are now headed towards a new year. Nicely nestled into the Fall season is when companies are traditionally well within their next year's planning process. Let us give you something to think about in the form of a question: "Is it possible to reduce business silos through corporate training and development?" The answer is, "Yes, it's possible." This doesn't mean that it's easy to do.

In our research, business silos are traditionally created due to a lack of communication and a lack of position appreciation. This leads to another question: "How can business training help people to communication more effectively. Even tougher, how can business training teach someone to appreciate another person's role?" There are many many business training solutions to increase communication within a company. We're not going to pretend we are experts at this. We're not.

SimDevGroup is experts at training people to appreciate, understand, and utilize other's roles within the company. How? We do this by utilizing a custom business training simulation. The simulation enables participants to be in charge of another department for a day within the business training simulation. Giving people time in another role without the risk or time commitment to job swapping is invaluable. It's also a lot of fun and highly engaging.

Let's look at an example: How about a simulation where a marketing manager has to be an engineer. At the same time, how about letting an engineer manage marketing. While we do this, how about the business training simulation empowers someone in finance to run a sales group. You probably get the point.

The outcome is traditionally a new culture of appreciation and empathy for other's roles within the organization. It also traditionally increases communication because participants now understand how to better work with other divisions.

All this happens within a single days work. That's a good investment of time.

Have a nice weekend.

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