BUSINESS AND LEADERSHIP- What comes first? Effective leadership or effective business management? There is no right answer.
Pure leadership training programs seem to assume that business management doesn't have to be taken into account. It's either this, or there simply is very little business know-how. We often see this and unfortunately, executives get very frustrated with this.
At the end of any of our work days, almost everything comes down to how effectively we manage our business. Each person’s business may be different from the other’s but we all eventually roll into ensuring that the business we work for is run as a business(aka: effectively). Some people have to worry about profit and loss while other don’t. When it comes to leadership within an organization, leaders have to demonstrate both effective leadership and effective business management. At some point, the two become one. Business relies and leadership and leadership relies on business.
In theory, organization’s that have highly effective leadership are usually business’s that are very successful. Of course, there are exceptions. Thus, we believe if you’re utilizing a business training simulation for leadership development, it’s important to have a business management component. Should it dominate the solution? Nope. It really doesn’t need to be big. But it needs to include a component that demonstrates the relation between effective leadership and business success.
Having the business component also ads a critical component: The business part of the leadership simulation ties your leadership content to tangible and applicable business results. Executives and leaders find this critical and appreciate the connection. Additionally, this helps engage executives around real world outcomes and organically demonstrates the importance of your leadership content.
Question to think about: Does your existing leadership development or executive development content have real world and applicable components that relate to real world business challenges (applicable to the company)? If not, why? These days, people expect an exceptionally high level of applicability. What do you need to do to get to this new level?
Have a super holiday weekend (here in the states).
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