Hello World-
This is a little off the beaten path for a post, but we're so thrilled with a piece of technology, we thought it worth sharing.
Do you know of DropBox, GoogleDrive, or Microsoft OneDrive? Of course you do. So do we. But, we take data security extremely seriously. We also believe in technology simplicity and effectiveness. As a result, we took a look at a solution called OwnCloud.
OwnCloud is a solution that lets you create your own version of DropBox, GoogleDrive, and OneDrive (and soooo much more). Best of all, you retain complete and total control over OwnCloud. It is incredibly easy to use and is written by the open source community. We have been testing OwnCloud for Simulation Development and we have two words: It Rocks!
OwnCloud just works and works exceptionally well! Since it's mostly larger companies that read these posts, you'll love the fact the OwnCloud is Open Source, but you might be even more excited to know there is a turnkey commercial version available as well.
We have chosen to run OwnCloud on a $49 open source single board computer called BananaPi. We installed Linux onto an SD card, loaded up OwnCloud, and we had a complete Cloud Storage solution up and running in a matter of an hour or so. The BananaPi/OwnCloud 'server' has 15 computers banging on it all day long. Of course, you'd probably want to run your OwnCloud on serious iron, but this is a nice example of scalability.
We can't recommend OwnCloud enough. Its secure, its fast, and it just works.
You can learn more here:
OwnCloud Open Source
OpenCloud Commercial
Happy Holidays!
A blog about using a business simulation and serious games for corporate development or leadership development. More info at http://www.simstudios.com
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Friday, November 21, 2014
Top 10 Uses For a Business Simulation
Hello World-
Let's just jump right in:
- Business Simulation for Leadership Development
- Business Simulation for High Potential Leaders
- Business Simulation for Business War Games
- Business Simulation for Sales Training
- Business Simulation for Strategy Testing
- Business Simulation for Operational Excellence
- Business Simulation for Strategy Exploration
- Business Simulation within Business Gamification
- Business Simulation for Business Strategy Gamification
"What can a business simulation actually be used for?" There you go: Just 10 ideas. Of course, there are many more, but this guideline should inspire some ideas for you to think about. We've even heard of using a business simulation to teach fifth graders about money and business. Interesting....
Let us know if you have other ideas of how to use these valuable tools and we'll add it to the list.
Have a great weekend!
Let's just jump right in:
Top 10 Uses For a Business Simulation
- Business Simulation for Leadership Development
- Business Simulation for High Potential Leaders
- Business Simulation for Business War Games
- Business Simulation for Sales Training
- Business Simulation for Strategy Testing
- Business Simulation for Operational Excellence
- Business Simulation for Strategy Exploration
- Business Simulation within Business Gamification
- Business Simulation for Business Strategy Gamification
"What can a business simulation actually be used for?" There you go: Just 10 ideas. Of course, there are many more, but this guideline should inspire some ideas for you to think about. We've even heard of using a business simulation to teach fifth graders about money and business. Interesting....
Let us know if you have other ideas of how to use these valuable tools and we'll add it to the list.
Have a great weekend!
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Business War Games: Business Simulation for Strategy Testing
Hello World-
This has been written about a few time, but thought it was worth bringing up again.
What: What is a Business War Game? Business War Games are a tool that is used to test and 'play' with a potential future strategy. These don't necessarily have to be a simulation, but they often share the same characteristics with a business simulation. Business War Games also don't have to be computer based either. In many cases, these can be simple paper based solutions. This helps save money. But what these tools are is effective. They are also complex to create. There are a lot of moving parts to a business war game. The same is true for a business strategy simulation as well. Business War Games let executives test their strategy before they commit to it 100%.
How: How is a business war game used? Business War Games are used like this: Traditionally, you'll bring in a few executives that are involved in creating the strategy. You don't need many. Just a few. You'll have each person take on the role of a different company that only includes 1 ‘version’ of your actual company. You'll actually begin competing against each other testing your strategy. You can see why it's similar to a business strategy simulation.
Why: Why use a Business War Game? This is to enable you to squeeze out strategic elements you hadn't considered while creating the strategy. Most importantly, this includes the human reaction to a new strategy. This is often the least thought of during strategy development.
As you can see, a Business War Game is very similar to a Business Strategy Simulation or a Business Training Simulation.
Hope this helps!
This has been written about a few time, but thought it was worth bringing up again.
Using Business War Games
What: What is a Business War Game? Business War Games are a tool that is used to test and 'play' with a potential future strategy. These don't necessarily have to be a simulation, but they often share the same characteristics with a business simulation. Business War Games also don't have to be computer based either. In many cases, these can be simple paper based solutions. This helps save money. But what these tools are is effective. They are also complex to create. There are a lot of moving parts to a business war game. The same is true for a business strategy simulation as well. Business War Games let executives test their strategy before they commit to it 100%.
How: How is a business war game used? Business War Games are used like this: Traditionally, you'll bring in a few executives that are involved in creating the strategy. You don't need many. Just a few. You'll have each person take on the role of a different company that only includes 1 ‘version’ of your actual company. You'll actually begin competing against each other testing your strategy. You can see why it's similar to a business strategy simulation.
Why: Why use a Business War Game? This is to enable you to squeeze out strategic elements you hadn't considered while creating the strategy. Most importantly, this includes the human reaction to a new strategy. This is often the least thought of during strategy development.
As you can see, a Business War Game is very similar to a Business Strategy Simulation or a Business Training Simulation.
Hope this helps!
Monday, September 22, 2014
Business Simulation for Sales Training or Sales Conferences
Hello World- Once again, too long between posts. Sorry about that!
We've seen quite the uptick in companies using business simulations for sales training and/or within sales conferences. These sales training simulations are a lot of fun and very educational for the sales managers. What happens in many cases is that the head of sales wants to introduce their sales force to the challenges above or across from their position. Doing so gives sales managers a far wider perspective of what it's like to manage a sales team or company.
1. Competitive business simulation is preferred - A competitive sales training simulation aligns with the position of a sales manager. This makes the game relevant and real.
2. Ensure you have the customer needs- As a sales manager, you're often focused on quota. Don't forget to integrate a strong focus on meeting customers needs and demonstrating why this is important.
3. Have fun! A sales training simulation should have a spirit of competitive fun. If it's serious and boring, sales managers will probably disengage.
Sales training simulations are a great use of time at a sales conference. Utilizing a business simulation can make the content of the conference relevant and unforgettable. It will be the part of the conference participants won't forget.
Hope this helps!
We've seen quite the uptick in companies using business simulations for sales training and/or within sales conferences. These sales training simulations are a lot of fun and very educational for the sales managers. What happens in many cases is that the head of sales wants to introduce their sales force to the challenges above or across from their position. Doing so gives sales managers a far wider perspective of what it's like to manage a sales team or company.
Three Components to a Successful Sales Training Simulation
1. Competitive business simulation is preferred - A competitive sales training simulation aligns with the position of a sales manager. This makes the game relevant and real.
2. Ensure you have the customer needs- As a sales manager, you're often focused on quota. Don't forget to integrate a strong focus on meeting customers needs and demonstrating why this is important.
3. Have fun! A sales training simulation should have a spirit of competitive fun. If it's serious and boring, sales managers will probably disengage.
Sales training simulations are a great use of time at a sales conference. Utilizing a business simulation can make the content of the conference relevant and unforgettable. It will be the part of the conference participants won't forget.
Hope this helps!
Monday, July 28, 2014
Business Training Simulations for Leadership Development
Hello World!
Once again, it's been too long. We've simply had too much work than we can handle. Sorry! The good news is that we've just hired 3 people to help work on things. Thanks for your patience. Ok, the topic of the day:
Isn't this a leadership development simulation you might ask? Well, yes it is. But there seems to be a misunderstanding about what/when/where/how. Let's take a look.
First, the definition: A leadership development simulation is simply a business simulation that has been customized to a specific leadership development program. This includes utilizing specific leadership competency and tools. In many cases, these business training simulations will have a business portion of the simulation as well. There has to be a business to use the leadership tools, right?
These tools are traditionally used within corporate leadership development programs. In some cases, they might be used for strategy training. Why? Because there is traditionally a large people component of business strategy. While we're talking about tools, business simulations are often used to help people learn HR people development tools such as assessment and more. Business training simulations for leadership development is a great development tool to get people up and running quickly using your models andor tools.
You'll start to see more and longer posts once we get the people up to speed.
Have a great August!
Once again, it's been too long. We've simply had too much work than we can handle. Sorry! The good news is that we've just hired 3 people to help work on things. Thanks for your patience. Ok, the topic of the day:
Business Training Simulation for Leadership Development Overview
Isn't this a leadership development simulation you might ask? Well, yes it is. But there seems to be a misunderstanding about what/when/where/how. Let's take a look.
First, the definition: A leadership development simulation is simply a business simulation that has been customized to a specific leadership development program. This includes utilizing specific leadership competency and tools. In many cases, these business training simulations will have a business portion of the simulation as well. There has to be a business to use the leadership tools, right?
These tools are traditionally used within corporate leadership development programs. In some cases, they might be used for strategy training. Why? Because there is traditionally a large people component of business strategy. While we're talking about tools, business simulations are often used to help people learn HR people development tools such as assessment and more. Business training simulations for leadership development is a great development tool to get people up and running quickly using your models andor tools.
You'll start to see more and longer posts once we get the people up to speed.
Have a great August!
Saturday, June 14, 2014
5 Tips to Applying Human Resource Tools to the Business
Hello World-
Are you thinking of increasing the adoption of your Human Resource tools? This trend seems to be on the upswing at the moment. We have seen a lot of tool development and application within large enterprises. We have a few tips from an outsiders perspective:
1. Keep the tools simple to use- This probably goes without saying, but it's a good reminder. Remember, managers have a very busy job. Unless the tools are easy to naturally use, they won't be used. Keep the tools you choose to use simple and easy to utilize.
2. Pair down the number of tools- Tools are great frameworks for people to work from. But in reality, there is certainly such a thing as too many. In reality, managers will probably utilize three at the most. Pick your top three and focus on implementing these first.
3. Train managers!- Of course, this goes without saying. But to dig a little deeper, you should think about giving managers the opportunity to use the tools before they are expected to use them in the workplace. This will help naturalize the usage of the tools.
4. Practice and followup- Give managers the opportunity to practice the tools and get used to using them. If they don't have the opportunity to try before they buy, they simply won't buy.
5. Make them relevant and real- Demonstrating how these tools impact their business is critical. If they can experience the positive results of using the tools, utilization will become natural.
Even though this doesn't directly impact business simulations, it does correlate. We create a lot of simulations that focus on utilizing Human Resource tools. We thought it would be helpful to share what we've seen work and not work.
Hope this helps!
Are you thinking of increasing the adoption of your Human Resource tools? This trend seems to be on the upswing at the moment. We have seen a lot of tool development and application within large enterprises. We have a few tips from an outsiders perspective:
5 Tips to Human Resource Tool Adoption
1. Keep the tools simple to use- This probably goes without saying, but it's a good reminder. Remember, managers have a very busy job. Unless the tools are easy to naturally use, they won't be used. Keep the tools you choose to use simple and easy to utilize.
2. Pair down the number of tools- Tools are great frameworks for people to work from. But in reality, there is certainly such a thing as too many. In reality, managers will probably utilize three at the most. Pick your top three and focus on implementing these first.
3. Train managers!- Of course, this goes without saying. But to dig a little deeper, you should think about giving managers the opportunity to use the tools before they are expected to use them in the workplace. This will help naturalize the usage of the tools.
4. Practice and followup- Give managers the opportunity to practice the tools and get used to using them. If they don't have the opportunity to try before they buy, they simply won't buy.
5. Make them relevant and real- Demonstrating how these tools impact their business is critical. If they can experience the positive results of using the tools, utilization will become natural.
Even though this doesn't directly impact business simulations, it does correlate. We create a lot of simulations that focus on utilizing Human Resource tools. We thought it would be helpful to share what we've seen work and not work.
Hope this helps!
Saturday, May 24, 2014
New Website Launched
Hello World-
Today, an update to the existing web site was launched. It's a completely different platform so you may notice some things either out of place, missing, or different from before. We'll be putting things back in place as we build on this new platform. In the meantime, let us know what you think and what you'd like to see added.
Have a great weekend!
Today, an update to the existing web site was launched. It's a completely different platform so you may notice some things either out of place, missing, or different from before. We'll be putting things back in place as we build on this new platform. In the meantime, let us know what you think and what you'd like to see added.
Have a great weekend!
Friday, May 9, 2014
New Solution Offering: Tailored Business Simulations
Hello World-
Have you ever wanted the power of a custom business simulation, but didn't want the complexity or time of building one from scratch? Have you thought to yourself, "I really want to use my leadership model, but don't want the expense and time of a custom solution?" Great! Here's a potential solution for you. Have you looked at a Tailored Business simulation instead of a Custom Business Simulation? If not, it might be worth a look.
Should I go Tailored Business Simulation or Custom Business Simulation?
Let's start by looking at a simple graphic that outlines some of the difference:
Even though this is a generalization, it might help give you a general idea. You should look at a tailored business simulation if any of the following occur:
- Limited Budget
- No Need For Licensing
- Quick Turnaround
- Still Use Your Leadership Tools
If this is something that is interesting, you should drop us an note and we can help guide you through the what, what not's, and how's. Happy to answer any questions.
Hope this helps! Let us know what you think.
Have you ever wanted the power of a custom business simulation, but didn't want the complexity or time of building one from scratch? Have you thought to yourself, "I really want to use my leadership model, but don't want the expense and time of a custom solution?" Great! Here's a potential solution for you. Have you looked at a Tailored Business simulation instead of a Custom Business Simulation? If not, it might be worth a look.
Should I go Tailored Business Simulation or Custom Business Simulation?
Let's start by looking at a simple graphic that outlines some of the difference:
Even though this is a generalization, it might help give you a general idea. You should look at a tailored business simulation if any of the following occur:
- Limited Budget
- No Need For Licensing
- Quick Turnaround
- Still Use Your Leadership Tools
If this is something that is interesting, you should drop us an note and we can help guide you through the what, what not's, and how's. Happy to answer any questions.
Hope this helps! Let us know what you think.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Tailored, Custom, or Standard Business Simulation?
Hello World-
Have you ever asked yourself, "What is the difference between a tailored, custom, and canned business simulation?" We've certainly been asked this question and it's a very good question indeed. Let's try to take this apart and clearly explain the differences.
Custom Business Simulation- This is a simulation or gamification product that is completely custom to your business strategy, leadership, training and development, and industry needs. A custom solution is like going to Microsoft and saying, "I'd like you to build me a software solution of my own." Additionally, you'd then have to go to a consulting company and say, "I'd like you to develop a services packaged completely designed for me from the ground up that goes with our software." This is a custom business simulation. These are gigantic projects. a custom business simulation is like having designer shoes made from scratch just for you. These solution fit beautifully, work wonderfully, and align with all your needs, strategy, and goals. These are fantastic solutions. On the downside, they can get pricy quickly and usually require quite a bit of project management. These are not small projects. These are the "Cadillac' of the business simulation world.
Tailored Business Simulation- These tools can be exceptionally valuable if done correctly. A tailored business simulation takes a core set of completed work and tailors it to your needs. These are not as perfect as a custom business simulation, but often come quite close. In many cases, people can't necessarily tell the difference between a tailored and a custom business simulation. Tailored solutions are great starting points if you have complex development needs, but are just starting out using business simulations. Tailored solutions let you implement a lower cost solution, learn from it, and then apply the learning to a fully custom solution in the future (if needed).
Off the Shelf or Canned Business Simulations- These are solutions that are not at all, or just slightly modifiable. These solutions are good for general topics that don't apply to your business, strategy, or specific development goals. Some examples are: Business acumen simulations, HIPAA compliance, workplace needs, etc. These are topics that are pretty much the same for all organizations and don't require customization. Off the shelf solutions are great for this. These solutions don't always work so well for needs that are organization specific such as: Leadership Development, Strategy Development or specific organizational development initiatives. It's similar to trying to put a square peg in a round hole. You'll spend a lot of energy trying to make it fit and then try to explain to participants why it's relevant.
As always, these are generalization, but should get you in the ballpark. Hope this helps and have a great weekend!
Have you ever asked yourself, "What is the difference between a tailored, custom, and canned business simulation?" We've certainly been asked this question and it's a very good question indeed. Let's try to take this apart and clearly explain the differences.
Custom, Tailored, and Canned Business Simulations Explained
Custom Business Simulation- This is a simulation or gamification product that is completely custom to your business strategy, leadership, training and development, and industry needs. A custom solution is like going to Microsoft and saying, "I'd like you to build me a software solution of my own." Additionally, you'd then have to go to a consulting company and say, "I'd like you to develop a services packaged completely designed for me from the ground up that goes with our software." This is a custom business simulation. These are gigantic projects. a custom business simulation is like having designer shoes made from scratch just for you. These solution fit beautifully, work wonderfully, and align with all your needs, strategy, and goals. These are fantastic solutions. On the downside, they can get pricy quickly and usually require quite a bit of project management. These are not small projects. These are the "Cadillac' of the business simulation world.
Tailored Business Simulation- These tools can be exceptionally valuable if done correctly. A tailored business simulation takes a core set of completed work and tailors it to your needs. These are not as perfect as a custom business simulation, but often come quite close. In many cases, people can't necessarily tell the difference between a tailored and a custom business simulation. Tailored solutions are great starting points if you have complex development needs, but are just starting out using business simulations. Tailored solutions let you implement a lower cost solution, learn from it, and then apply the learning to a fully custom solution in the future (if needed).
Off the Shelf or Canned Business Simulations- These are solutions that are not at all, or just slightly modifiable. These solutions are good for general topics that don't apply to your business, strategy, or specific development goals. Some examples are: Business acumen simulations, HIPAA compliance, workplace needs, etc. These are topics that are pretty much the same for all organizations and don't require customization. Off the shelf solutions are great for this. These solutions don't always work so well for needs that are organization specific such as: Leadership Development, Strategy Development or specific organizational development initiatives. It's similar to trying to put a square peg in a round hole. You'll spend a lot of energy trying to make it fit and then try to explain to participants why it's relevant.
As always, these are generalization, but should get you in the ballpark. Hope this helps and have a great weekend!
Friday, April 18, 2014
Thank You To Wonderful Providers!
Hello World!
I thought it would be nice to recognize the invisible partners we work with to keep us building world-class business simulations. Without these wonderful providers, we would be dead in the water. So often, all of us and all companies work with others that keep us going. But these providers are rarely recognized. We have two that we'd like to highlight and thank:
Fantastic Providers of Business Class Internet Communication- eMail, Calendaring, Syncing, Contact Management, etc: GetSync'd
I don't have a single bad thing to say about GetSyn'd. We've used them for years and we have never had a single moment of downtime. They create real time email, calendar, and contact management joy! All our devices, computers, and web based solutions are all 100% in sync at all times. Best of all, if we have a question, we pickup the phone and someone answers. No phone trees, we talk to a person who can take care of anything right then and there. We had a choice to go with Microsoft 365 and after very thorough analysis, GetSync'd simply blew Microsoft out of the water. It was simply incomparable. Our Fortune 500 customers rely on us to be on top of things, and thanks to GetSync'd we are always on. Thank you GetSyn'd!
Internet Hosting Providers- Web site hosting and site management: Chillidoghosting
Its always seemed to us like web site hosting providers are rarely thanked. We'd like to stop and say 'Thank you' to Chillidog. They're services are all inclusive, yet very easy to work with. They have the latest technology available that is effective without stuff that is just gimmicky. They're interface is easy to navigate and use. Best of all, when we decide to demonstrate our ignorance with a hosting related question, we simply chat with them and they are always available with a smile. Try to do this with a large host provider! No way! Not only do they fix the problem, they'll recommend outside resources to do what we're doing, but do it better. They are terrific. Thank you Chillidog Web Hosting.
Both of these companies are small, but can handle the largest of setups. It's a real pleasure working with small providers because there is no red tape, the service is often world-class, and the attention is high.
Thank you for keeping us working on what's most important: Customer Business Simulations.
I thought it would be nice to recognize the invisible partners we work with to keep us building world-class business simulations. Without these wonderful providers, we would be dead in the water. So often, all of us and all companies work with others that keep us going. But these providers are rarely recognized. We have two that we'd like to highlight and thank:
Fantastic Providers of Business Class Internet Communication- eMail, Calendaring, Syncing, Contact Management, etc: GetSync'd
I don't have a single bad thing to say about GetSyn'd. We've used them for years and we have never had a single moment of downtime. They create real time email, calendar, and contact management joy! All our devices, computers, and web based solutions are all 100% in sync at all times. Best of all, if we have a question, we pickup the phone and someone answers. No phone trees, we talk to a person who can take care of anything right then and there. We had a choice to go with Microsoft 365 and after very thorough analysis, GetSync'd simply blew Microsoft out of the water. It was simply incomparable. Our Fortune 500 customers rely on us to be on top of things, and thanks to GetSync'd we are always on. Thank you GetSyn'd!
Internet Hosting Providers- Web site hosting and site management: Chillidoghosting
Its always seemed to us like web site hosting providers are rarely thanked. We'd like to stop and say 'Thank you' to Chillidog. They're services are all inclusive, yet very easy to work with. They have the latest technology available that is effective without stuff that is just gimmicky. They're interface is easy to navigate and use. Best of all, when we decide to demonstrate our ignorance with a hosting related question, we simply chat with them and they are always available with a smile. Try to do this with a large host provider! No way! Not only do they fix the problem, they'll recommend outside resources to do what we're doing, but do it better. They are terrific. Thank you Chillidog Web Hosting.
Both of these companies are small, but can handle the largest of setups. It's a real pleasure working with small providers because there is no red tape, the service is often world-class, and the attention is high.
Thank you for keeping us working on what's most important: Customer Business Simulations.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Business Simulations for All Companies
Hello World-
So, do you think that using a business simulation is only for fortune 500 companies? Not necessarily so. Modern application development tools have taken drastic leaps forward over the past 10 years. This has made application development far more effective and less time consuming. As a result, a business simulation for training and development or human resources is far more accessible than even five years ago.
If you've ever thought that gaining access to modern a custom strategy simulation (or strategy gamification) was impossible, it would be time well spent to take another look around and ask questions.
Quick post this week. More to come soon.
So, do you think that using a business simulation is only for fortune 500 companies? Not necessarily so. Modern application development tools have taken drastic leaps forward over the past 10 years. This has made application development far more effective and less time consuming. As a result, a business simulation for training and development or human resources is far more accessible than even five years ago.
If you've ever thought that gaining access to modern a custom strategy simulation (or strategy gamification) was impossible, it would be time well spent to take another look around and ask questions.
Quick post this week. More to come soon.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Business Simulation or Business Gamification
Hello World- Yup, once again, its been awhile since a post. Again, very busy, but there will be more soon.
You've probably heard the fancy term: Business Gamification. It's all the rage, very catchy, and marketing managers just LOVE it. But what is it exactly? First of all, don't be overwhelmed. It's simply a very fancy term for turning something into a game.
Let's look at an example: Online forums. Ya know, those places you go to ask questions and get answers. You've probably noticed that certain people get points or prizes, or 'badges'. That's it! That's a game. What they've done is turned the use of a forum into a game via points and/or rewards. The goal is to get people to come back more and increase engagement. We're back in a technology boom so it's all about eye balls once again. Thus, if a company can keep people on their web site, the idea is this means they are an 'engaged' customer. This is gamification.
But, how does this relate to simulations or serious games? Great question. As has been repeated many times here, for simplicity purposes, don't get too caught up on the fancy terms. In many cases (not all) a business simulation is a form of game theory. Gamification is based on game theory. Serious Games are based on game theory. They aren't necessarily 100% all the same, but they share 98% of the same DNA.
A Business Simulation is going to be used to simulate a business or a function of a business. Serious games or gamification may not (but certainly could). This is why you shouldn't get too caught up on the terminology. If you are looking to simulate something in your business, call it a business simulation. If you're looking to engage people around a specific topic, maybe call it gamification. It's up to you, but don't get too caught up in it. You probably have much better things to worry about.
Hope this helps!
You've probably heard the fancy term: Business Gamification. It's all the rage, very catchy, and marketing managers just LOVE it. But what is it exactly? First of all, don't be overwhelmed. It's simply a very fancy term for turning something into a game.
Let's look at an example: Online forums. Ya know, those places you go to ask questions and get answers. You've probably noticed that certain people get points or prizes, or 'badges'. That's it! That's a game. What they've done is turned the use of a forum into a game via points and/or rewards. The goal is to get people to come back more and increase engagement. We're back in a technology boom so it's all about eye balls once again. Thus, if a company can keep people on their web site, the idea is this means they are an 'engaged' customer. This is gamification.
But, how does this relate to simulations or serious games? Great question. As has been repeated many times here, for simplicity purposes, don't get too caught up on the fancy terms. In many cases (not all) a business simulation is a form of game theory. Gamification is based on game theory. Serious Games are based on game theory. They aren't necessarily 100% all the same, but they share 98% of the same DNA.
A Business Simulation is going to be used to simulate a business or a function of a business. Serious games or gamification may not (but certainly could). This is why you shouldn't get too caught up on the terminology. If you are looking to simulate something in your business, call it a business simulation. If you're looking to engage people around a specific topic, maybe call it gamification. It's up to you, but don't get too caught up in it. You probably have much better things to worry about.
Hope this helps!
Monday, January 20, 2014
Custom Business Simulation or Canned
Hello World!
A common question, "Should I go with an off the shelf business simulation or a custom business simulation?"
There isn't usually a clear answer, but in general, if you answer yes to the following questions, a custom solution will usually fit better. Here goes:
Ask yourself the following five questions:
1. Do I need to teach/demonstrate specific parts of our corporate strategy?
2. Is this part of my corporate leadership development, executive development, or strategic training program?
3. Do I need to simulate specific components of our business?
4. Is this for director or above?
5. Is this part of a corporate strategic initiative?
If you answered 'yes' to any of these three questions, you will probably find it more effective to go with a custom business simulation. This isn't a hard analysis, but in general, these questions usually lead you down the right path to deciding between an off the shelf or a custom business simulation.
Hope this helps!
A common question, "Should I go with an off the shelf business simulation or a custom business simulation?"
There isn't usually a clear answer, but in general, if you answer yes to the following questions, a custom solution will usually fit better. Here goes:
How to Choose A Business Simulation
Ask yourself the following five questions:
1. Do I need to teach/demonstrate specific parts of our corporate strategy?
2. Is this part of my corporate leadership development, executive development, or strategic training program?
3. Do I need to simulate specific components of our business?
4. Is this for director or above?
5. Is this part of a corporate strategic initiative?
If you answered 'yes' to any of these three questions, you will probably find it more effective to go with a custom business simulation. This isn't a hard analysis, but in general, these questions usually lead you down the right path to deciding between an off the shelf or a custom business simulation.
Hope this helps!
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