Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Top 5 Trends of 2010

Hello SimDevGroup Community-

Wrapping up a great year for business training simulations, we thought it would be appropriate to review the top trends we saw for 2010. Ten is too many, so we capped it to five. Easier to digest and in general more informative. Here goes from 5 to 1:

Trends in Business Training Simulations and Corporate Training and Development:
5. Simplicity- We clearly saw the training and development community wise up and we are ecstatic! Simulations don't need to be monstorous and shouldn't be! You need to focus on what's important: your training and development content. A business training simulation is simply a tool to support your corporate training content. Stay focused!

4. Leadership Development- From our perspective, it looks like companies have decided to invest heavily in their top talent. With the background and demographics of top talent changing, it was very clear that the training and development community decided it was important to engage people in the utilization of the internal leadership competencies. We're doing back flips over this and participants love it. People really seem to resonate with applying leadership competencies to the business. It was an exciting year for leadership development.

3. Very Focused, Very Efficient- This has to be the results of a tough economy and in our humble opinions, this is fantastic. Corporate Training and Development managers seemed to have focused brilliantly on what is most important: Apply the critical corporate training and development objectives. Focus is a great thing and corporations usually wind up stronger in the long run.

2. Challenging Participants (and themselves)- We're talking corporate training and development managers going well beyond powerpoint. Corporate Training and Development managers sat around tables and said, "We really need to push participants out of their comfort zone and challenge them." From our perspective, you did a sensational job at achieving this. We watched participants, squirm, sweat, and really think hard about applying your content. Well done!

1. Self Facilitation- It seems as though times have clearly changed in this decade. As a quick statistic, we saw a 47% rise in self facilitation in 2010 alone. WOW! This is fantastic and we applaud your bravery. As many learned, facilitating a custom business training simulation is not for the faint at heart. Most performed very very well, but learned its not as easy as it appears. Keep it up!

This is it. The top five trends we saw for 2010. We think that in general, these are trends in the right direction. Well done and please keep up the good work, focus, and bravery.

Cheers to 2011! Its going to be a terrific year.

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