Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Top 5 Trends of 2010

Hello SimDevGroup Community-

Wrapping up a great year for business training simulations, we thought it would be appropriate to review the top trends we saw for 2010. Ten is too many, so we capped it to five. Easier to digest and in general more informative. Here goes from 5 to 1:

Trends in Business Training Simulations and Corporate Training and Development:
5. Simplicity- We clearly saw the training and development community wise up and we are ecstatic! Simulations don't need to be monstorous and shouldn't be! You need to focus on what's important: your training and development content. A business training simulation is simply a tool to support your corporate training content. Stay focused!

4. Leadership Development- From our perspective, it looks like companies have decided to invest heavily in their top talent. With the background and demographics of top talent changing, it was very clear that the training and development community decided it was important to engage people in the utilization of the internal leadership competencies. We're doing back flips over this and participants love it. People really seem to resonate with applying leadership competencies to the business. It was an exciting year for leadership development.

3. Very Focused, Very Efficient- This has to be the results of a tough economy and in our humble opinions, this is fantastic. Corporate Training and Development managers seemed to have focused brilliantly on what is most important: Apply the critical corporate training and development objectives. Focus is a great thing and corporations usually wind up stronger in the long run.

2. Challenging Participants (and themselves)- We're talking corporate training and development managers going well beyond powerpoint. Corporate Training and Development managers sat around tables and said, "We really need to push participants out of their comfort zone and challenge them." From our perspective, you did a sensational job at achieving this. We watched participants, squirm, sweat, and really think hard about applying your content. Well done!

1. Self Facilitation- It seems as though times have clearly changed in this decade. As a quick statistic, we saw a 47% rise in self facilitation in 2010 alone. WOW! This is fantastic and we applaud your bravery. As many learned, facilitating a custom business training simulation is not for the faint at heart. Most performed very very well, but learned its not as easy as it appears. Keep it up!

This is it. The top five trends we saw for 2010. We think that in general, these are trends in the right direction. Well done and please keep up the good work, focus, and bravery.

Cheers to 2011! Its going to be a terrific year.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays from SimDevGroup!

The holidays have snuck up on us as it seems to have everyone. We've been very busy developing customer business training simulations for the new year. Looks like many people have big training plans for Q1 and Q2. Thus, we're almost at full capacity. Feels like training and development activity seems to be climbing and we're happy to see everyone very busy.

We'd like to take this opportunity to say thank you. We feel very lucky to have worked with the wonderfully smart and devoted training and development managers this year. We have felt the pressure you have felt and from our perspective, its been a great year of interesting and well thought out business training simulations. We applaud you and your dedication to your profession.

Our holiday hours will be here and there. We have a lot of work to do for Q1 so we'll probably still be floating around the office. Feel free to give us a call or drop us a note. We'd be happy to talk.

Happy Holidays and cheers to new business simulations in the new year!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Its A Cloudy Day

Hello SimDev Community-

Its a cloudy day here. Its raining outside and inside for us. Yes, of course we're talking about the weather. We're also talking about cloud computing. It's been awhile since we've mentioned this. Instead, we've been focusing on Business Silos, Business Simulation Facilitation, Business Training Simulations, and Leadership Development Simulations. But this doesn't mean we forgot about cloud based computing. Of course we haven't. Cloud based computing is really the future of computing.

Some day, the internet will be as common as electricity. No matter where we go, we will be electrified by the internet. Think about it: Cars have electricity, boats have electricity, airplanes have electricity. Heck, even submarines have electricity. Lets apply that to the internet. Some day, no matter where we are, we will have the internet. We're in the early stages of this with devices such as Android or iOS. Much of our lives are connected in one way or another.

Thus, we're developing solution for the future that are entirely cloud based. We're hoping to begin to roll out a cloud based business training simulation in the first half of 2011. Of course, we're going to take baby steps to ensure quality and usability. SimDevGroup actually already uses various cloud solutions. We just keep it invisible and call it "Magic". Our cloud based business training simulations are part of the reason we can offer such world class solutions at canned prices. This is because we don't own or manage much infrastructure. Most of our customers like this even though they don't say, "Hey, thanks for utilizing the distributed redundant live syncing and app services." In any case, we're happy to make business training simulations and leadership development simulations accessible to everyone.

Have a great week.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Attention: Facilitating a Business Simulation

Hello SimDev Community

We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and a nice time off. As we're rapidly heading towards year end, we thought we'd provide something to think about for 2010. We get more and more calls regarding the possibility of self facilitation of a business simulation for training and development. We are avid supporters of self facilitation. But we are also cautious in your defense.

Most people don't understand the complexity of facilitating a business training simulation. It's an unparalleled tool for modern training and development. With the wonderful applicability and rewards comes complexity. We aren't trying to scare you away because we're quite sure you'll do great. We just want to correctly set expectations and prevent the flash of overwhelming warmth that often comes at the beginning of a new program that has a business simulation.

Keep in mind, you and your team will have to keep track of: Setup, content, facilitation, support, technology setup, technology support, calculations, applications, and presentations. It's all very doable. We just don't want you to underestimate what goes into these. Remember, you'll also probably be trying to manage the rest of your program. A custom business simulation is just another new layer.

Takeaway from this: Take the time to be challenged, learn, and grow with your business simulation. We strongly recommend a pilot program. We've seen a trend to move straight into production level programs and skip the pilot. This is not recommended.

Final Thoughts: Facilitating a business training simulation is incredibly rewarding, applicable, and exciting. It also ads a layer of complexity you should prepare for. It's our job to make sure you're comfortable, confident, and prepared to be a business simulation facilitation rock star. Be comforted in the fact that we take our job seriously.

Have a great week!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Leadership Development And Business Simulations

BUSINESS AND LEADERSHIP- What comes first? Effective leadership or effective business management? There is no right answer.

Pure leadership training programs seem to assume that business management doesn't have to be taken into account. It's either this, or there simply is very little business know-how. We often see this and unfortunately, executives get very frustrated with this.

At the end of any of our work days, almost everything comes down to how effectively we manage our business. Each person’s business may be different from the other’s but we all eventually roll into ensuring that the business we work for is run as a business(aka: effectively). Some people have to worry about profit and loss while other don’t. When it comes to leadership within an organization, leaders have to demonstrate both effective leadership and effective business management. At some point, the two become one. Business relies and leadership and leadership relies on business.

In theory, organization’s that have highly effective leadership are usually business’s that are very successful. Of course, there are exceptions. Thus, we believe if you’re utilizing a business training simulation for leadership development, it’s important to have a business management component. Should it dominate the solution? Nope. It really doesn’t need to be big. But it needs to include a component that demonstrates the relation between effective leadership and business success.

Having the business component also ads a critical component: The business part of the leadership simulation ties your leadership content to tangible and applicable business results. Executives and leaders find this critical and appreciate the connection. Additionally, this helps engage executives around real world outcomes and organically demonstrates the importance of your leadership content.

Question to think about: Does your existing leadership development or executive development content have real world and applicable components that relate to real world business challenges (applicable to the company)? If not, why? These days, people expect an exceptionally high level of applicability. What do you need to do to get to this new level?

Have a super holiday weekend (here in the states).

Monday, November 15, 2010

Training Simulations to Teach Partners

Hello SimDev Community

A trend that has begun to take shape over the last year is using a training simulation to train partner companies. The idea is that in many cases, changing a strategy requires partner companies to be included. Whether the partner is a supplier, a customer, a sales agency, or a contractor. No matter the case, ensuring that the partner company is on board with your requirements is often essential. How does this work?

The training simulation doesn't need to be multi-day, it just needs to focus on what's important: Teaching the importance and advantages of your strategy. This is best accomplished by enabling the participants to experience the advantage of the new strategy (whether it's financial, market share, or position). When participants have the ability to experience the 'why' behind the strategy, this increase comfort and buy-in.

Using a customer business training simulation is also exceptionally engaging. Participants will listen to you, experience the strategy, and get in line with your mutual goals and objectives. This is a quick, easy, and engaging solution that will have immediate impact on your overall business goals.

If you have a partner, contractor, agency, or outside company that is critical to executing your new strategy, think about running them through your business to help increase buy-in and understanding.

Have a nice weekend.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Training To Reduce Business Silos

Hello SimDev Community-

We are now headed towards a new year. Nicely nestled into the Fall season is when companies are traditionally well within their next year's planning process. Let us give you something to think about in the form of a question: "Is it possible to reduce business silos through corporate training and development?" The answer is, "Yes, it's possible." This doesn't mean that it's easy to do.

In our research, business silos are traditionally created due to a lack of communication and a lack of position appreciation. This leads to another question: "How can business training help people to communication more effectively. Even tougher, how can business training teach someone to appreciate another person's role?" There are many many business training solutions to increase communication within a company. We're not going to pretend we are experts at this. We're not.

SimDevGroup is experts at training people to appreciate, understand, and utilize other's roles within the company. How? We do this by utilizing a custom business training simulation. The simulation enables participants to be in charge of another department for a day within the business training simulation. Giving people time in another role without the risk or time commitment to job swapping is invaluable. It's also a lot of fun and highly engaging.

Let's look at an example: How about a simulation where a marketing manager has to be an engineer. At the same time, how about letting an engineer manage marketing. While we do this, how about the business training simulation empowers someone in finance to run a sales group. You probably get the point.

The outcome is traditionally a new culture of appreciation and empathy for other's roles within the organization. It also traditionally increases communication because participants now understand how to better work with other divisions.

All this happens within a single days work. That's a good investment of time.

Have a nice weekend.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Learning Corporate Strategy Through Experience

Hello SimDevGroup Community-

Has anyone ever told you their strategy? If so, you've probably said, "Oh great, I see. But why this strategy and how do I fit into it?" This is a very common reaction. How about the other side of the equation... Have you ever told someone your company's strategy and all you see is a slightly tilted head with squinted eyes? Probably. The best way to learn about the 'why' behind a corporate strategy is to experience it. Experience will help your employees learn why you've chosen the strategy and why its the best solution.

The only problem is experience takes a long time and can be risky. This is where a business learning simulation comes in. In a very short amount of time, your employees can quickly learn about your corporate strategy, how they fit in, and how their division can contribute. Best of all, there's next to no risk and its very quick. In one full day, your employees can experience a day in your shoes. This will help answer the questions: Why this strategy, how can I help, and when is this going to happen. These are critical components to a successful strategic execution. Effective strategic leadership requires your employees to learn about your strategy. A custom business simulation is a key and effective solution.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Adaptive Learning Simulations

Hello SimDev Community-

How great would it be if a competitive business learning simulation could learn? Traditionally, competitive simulations have an organic adaptability because we as humans are driving the forces naturally. But what if an additional layer was added at a global level. That would be intense. You may be asking, "What does this mean? And how does this relate to learning simulations for training and development?" Let us explain a little....

Say everyone is making decisions within the simulation as usual. What the simulation would do is dynamically look for trends, patterns, or habits. The sim would then compare this to a standard range. If participants as a whole fell into a new range, the learning simulation would dynamically adjust the entire experience.

In a sense, what this accomplishes is adding linear intelligence. This isn't artificial intelligence by any means. But this changes the rules of the game on the fly. This is similar to what happens in the real world. As crowds congregate, crowd dynamics change organically. The difference here is that the learning simulation would set the new changes based on crowd movement.

We thought a learning simulation that watches, learns, and reacts is the next logic step in the evolution of business learning and training simulations.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Software vs. Business Acumen vs. Leadership Development Simulations

Hello Simdev Community-

We apologize for a tardy post. It's been a little hectic lately, but we're back with a post about Simulation Software vs. Business Acumen, vs. Leadership Development. Here goes:

What is the different between Custom Business Training Simulation Software, Business Acumen Simulation, and Leadership Development Simulations? Answer: TONS! It feels like we have two camps of people who call us: Those that want leadership development training simulation and those that are looking for more of a business acumen simulation. Remember, we are a software development firm that specializes in developing custom business simulations for corporate development. So thus, software would be called a 'Global Parameter' when coding. This means that all of our business simulations are software based (aka: we aren't a consulting firm). But, do to the nature of this job, we have a very very firm understanding of corporate development practices and the needs of effective leadership development.

On to business acumen vs. leadership development. Without going into too much detail: Business acumen could be viewed as a technical skill. This often helps answer questions such as, "How does the business work? How do I manage and income statement? How do I effectively grow the business while managing cash flow?" In comparison, leadership development might answer questions such as, "How do I become an effective leader? How do utilize the internal leadership competencies? How do I effectively manage and grow diverse global organizations?"

Here's the catch: To be an effective Senior Manager: You need both business acumen and leadership development. A custom business training simulation should have both of these qualities. This will help develop your bench for tomorrow.

Ok, in summary: Business Acumen is having a solid foundation of effective business management skills and Leadership Development has a solid foundation of effective people and business leadership management. From our perspective, they are all developed in software to enable your leaders to practice business acumen and apply your internal leadership models.

Have a great week!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Trends: More Ownership

Hello SimDev Community-

A quick post about what the latest trends are from our business simulation customers: Full Ownership! What does this mean?

Traditionally, business training simulations are delivered by Simulation Development Group. But for the past year, full ownership, where the business simulations are delivered by the training and development division, has grown. "How much has business simulation ownership grown?" you might be asking. In 2010 alone, we've seen a 27% increase over 2009. In 2009, we saw significant changes as well.

We think it is important for the learning and development division to deliver custom business simulations. You should be in front of your leaders and we should be the invisible support in the background.

Way to go everyone! Keep delivering those custom business simulations!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Organizational Silos and Thier Impact

We have started to talk about business silos or organizational silos recently. The past couple weeks, we've been traveling since the business simulation delivery season is kicking into high gear. But we wanted to take a second to relay some anecdotal information shared with us recently. The topic is organizational silos and their impact.

A CEO sat down with us to share his frustration with the constant fighting between his engineering and marketing departments. He suggested this business silo thinking has always been there since he took over as CEO, but that it had gotten far worse with the influence of the generationals. It has now become a crisis for him. The organizational silos were each driving their own agendas with public disinterest in working with eachother.

The CEO had tried everything to address this business silo problem. This included: Communication training, team building, and forced weekly cross functional meetings. He stated that it only seemed to make things worse. This is where he had the idea to let each department live a day in the other department without increasing risk to the overall organization. Thus, a business training simulation seemed to be the ideal solution.

We'll soon share with you some of the feedback. We are due to begin rolling out this "Business Silo Busting" solution soon. Stay tuned :).

Have a great rest of the week.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Business Silos and Business Training Simulations

Hello SimDev Community-

We hope you had a wonderful Labor Day weekend and are looking forward to hitting the working ground running.

We have talked extensively in the past about utilizing a business training simulation within your leadership development or executive development programs. We have another growing trend to bring up that is increasing in popularity lately: Silos.

We're not referring to the large containers that hold grain. We're talking about functional silos, organizational silos, informational silos or business silos. If you work in a larger company you are painfully aware of this "problem".

How about utilizing a custom business simulation to help tear down these silos? Think about it. This blog is going to focus on this for a few posting. This post is just a teaser. More to come soon!

Have a great week!

Monday, August 30, 2010

You're The Business Training Expert!

Hello SimDev Community-

We hope you've had a terrific summer and are looking forward to gearing up for Fall.

We want to be clear here: Simulation Development Group creates simulations and exercises around your content. We don't try to be something we're not. You are the expert at your discipline and we are experts at building engaging and exciting tools around your leadership, executive, and corporate development needs.

Why do we bring this up? For two reasons:
1. We aren't trying to sell something we can't do a good job at. We're terrible sales people and aren't skilled enough at sales to sell something we don't do.
2. We've been receiving a lot of requests to build entire leadership development program(s). We build the best tools in the world to support incredibly complex programs, but we don't write the courseware. To be honest, you don't want us to. There are exceptionally talented people out there that do this far better than we do.

We hate to un-sell ourselves, but we believe in focus. We create tools, simulations, exercises and solutions that focus on re-inforcing your training content through business applicable action. Who does a great job with content? There are many. There is one that we've been talking with lately that seems to really be on the ball and is a joy to work with. Web site is here: Ratcliff Consultants, Inc. We hope this reference helps. Why this one? Because it's one of the few we've come across that not only is an expert at subject matter, but expert at building a program around tangible outcomes.

We hope this helps you with your leadership development, executive development, or staff development needs.

If you need help creating tools, simulations, exercises and solutions that focus on re-inforcing your training content through business applicable action. Then give a call or drop us a line.

Have a great day!
- Simulation Development Group

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Leadership Development Activities vs Simulations vs Games

Hello SimDev Community-

As you can see lately, we've been focusing a bit more on Leadership Development instead of business simulations in general. This is because Leadership Development has come into the spotlight a little more than usual lately. We can't really explain why. The general trend has moved towards reinforcing the importance of leadership development and it's impact on financial results.

This brings us to the topic of this posting: Leadership Development Activities vs Simulations vs Games. What's the difference? There are huge differences depending on what you mean :).

Leadership Development Activities- This is the over arching description (or verb). There are pretty much endless amounts of possible activities. A Leadership Development Activity could include branch activities, speaking activities, teamwork activities, or just about anything. Within these activities might be a Leadership Development Simulation or Game. In general, think about Leadership Development Activities as the container where you choose what type of active learning you want your training participants to choose from.

Leadership Development Simulations- Leadership Development Simulations are simulations that emphasize the impact of the leadership development content on the business or financial results. In a sense, Leadership Development Simulations give the training participants the opportunity to live a day in the life of your CEO. At the executive level, leadership is critical to effective business management. A Leadership Development Simulation will let participants learn by demonstrating the importance of leadership on the business as a whole.

Leadership Games- These tend to lean more to the side of Leadership Development generic examples. This is where a participant will have to run a game such as a lemonade stand or even a board game (pretty outdated in our opinions. But hey, there's a place for everything). As opposed to Leadership Development Simulations, Leadership Development Games tend to be generic one size fits all solutions that aren't customized to a particular organization.

All these definitions are pretty high level and could be open for interpretation differences. The goal here was to get you in the ball park since this is an often asked questions. So, when it comes to Leadership Development Activities, now you'll know which fits you best.

We hope this helps.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Leadership Development Programs Are Back

Hello SimDev Community

For awhile there, Leadership Development Training Programs seemed to have disappeared. This is obviously because instead of investing in leadership development, companies were investing in survival. This too seems to have passed. In the last six months, the interest in leadership development training activities and leadership development simulations seems to have risen quite a bit.

We're glad leadership development is back! This is what we do best and enjoy the most. Combining leadership development content with a leadership simulation is a blast. It's exciting, rewarding, and challenging for the participants.

Leadership Development: Welcome back. We missed you :^)

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Leadership Development Simulations and Games

Hello SimDevGroup Community-

For the next few postings, we're going focus on using a business simulation within leadership development programs. We'll focus on:

- What exactly is a leadership development simulation?
- How do people use leadership development business simulations?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages to using a leadership development simulation?
- How do I get started using a leadership development simulation

We're busy outlining what we'll write so stay tuned. Another post is coming soon.
- SimDevGroup

Friday, July 30, 2010

Business Training Simulations: Various Types

Hello SimDev Community-

When people contact us that are new to simulations, they are often uncertain about the various types of training simulations. There really are many, but for ease of classifications, we'll highlight the top 3. These are:
1. Virtual
2. Game Based
3. Branching Stories

Let's take a quick review of these types of business simulations:
1. Virtual Business Simulation ($$$): These tend to be sensory in nature. Most people would argue that a virtual business simulation is visual, but we disagree. What happens if the participant is visually impaired? Does this mean they can't participate? To get back to the point, a virtual business simulation enables participants to interact at a sensory level. Some easy examples of a virtual business simulation is a flight simulator. Here, participants feel and see their environment and must learn to keep the plane in flight or safely landed (for example). When it comes to a business scenario, some companies have played with Second Life. We think this is expensive and a bit "far out" for now. Maybe some day this will be useful. That being said, there are definitely edge cases where this is useful for a business simulation.

2. Game Based Business Simulation ($$): This covers A LOT of territory. This spans from actual games that include a goal of learning through online interactive simulations. Some common tools for building a game based simulation are Flex, Flash, Java, C/C++ (various tools), and many many others. This is the bulk of what is used within a business simulation or business training simulation.

3. Branching Stories Business Simulation ($): These are often the least expensive and very easy to implement. They can be a little unnatural, but they are more effective than a lecture. In a Branching Stories Business Simulation, participants are given a scenario and a few choices to decide from. After each decision, the participant will be given additional information and more choices. In the end, they will realize if the outcome of the business simulation was successful or not. Branching story business simulations are often used for scenario or reaction training. This is especially the case within HR.

Please keep in mind, this is a very very brief overview and not designed to be inclusive. This give you a general idea of some of the more popular types of business simulations that are used for training and development.

We hope this helps and have a nice weekend.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Multi Day, 1 Day, or Segmented Business Training Simulation?

Hello SimDev Community-

To build on our last post, we've decided to address the question of, "What's better: Muliti-day, 1 day, or segmented business training simulations or leadership development simulations?"

That's easy to answer: It depends ;)

In reality, this is actually hard for us to answer. It really does depend. But to communicate our thoughts, we'll address the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Multi-day Custom Business Training Simulation- These are good if you want participants to really learn your entire business. We mean REALLY learn it. These usually require many many decision within the simulation and are very detailed. The goal here is to mimic the business within your training and development program. These are traditionally very expensive and exceptionally thorough. Our opinion: Good in some places, but not where trends seem to be moving when it comes to training and development and business training simulations.

1-Day Custom Business Training Simulation- These are very effective. These do a great job of balancing reinforcing your business training content and learning how the business functions. These are a very exciting and compressed day within your training program. This is a fantastic way to apply all the training content from previous days within the program. Our opinion: This is one of the more popular solutions and they work very well (cost effective too).

Segmented Business Training Simulation- These are also very effective. Running little versions of a larger training simulation at the end of each one of your leadership development days is incredibly exciting, applicable, and effective. This trend has grown in the last 2 or so years. Basically, you'll take a portion of the simulation that focuses on the content of that day and run it at the end. People get very fired up and its a great way to end the day. Our opinion: This is very effective and exciting.

We hope this helps you better understand various business training simulations and leadership development simulations. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Business Training Simulations- Where to learn what?

Hello SimDev Community-

We have recently been receiving calls from people interested in working with a business training simulation or leadership development training simulation for the first time. It seems people are generally more aware of them, but uncertain where to start. A common question is, "Where can I learn more?" Unfortunately, I can't recommend any books or online resources. The books are a bit "out there" and there aren't any online learning how to's that we know of. But we have a top 5 things to know about a business simulations for training and development.

5. Be prepared with content 1st! Keep in mind, the simulation is NOT the training program. It is a reinforcement tool.
4. Pick the right type of simulation provider. Ask yourself if you want canned, customized, facilitation, or no facilitation. Many business simulation providers will want to supply their own facilitators. This is understandable, but not required. Also, do you need customized or canned? Customized is more expensive, but usually more effective.
3. Virtual or in person? This doesn't need a lot of explaining. We've found companies tried to do virtual and it just didn't work very well (not very engaging). Thus, the trend seems to be moving back towards in person. But there are different types of sims depending on location needs.
2. Have a clear idea of what you want out of the training program. Similar to what we mentioned in 5, you need to have a clear goal of what you want out of the training. The business simulation will reinforce this, but not teach it.
1. Have fun! Business simulations are an amazingly engaging tool. Have fun with the simulation and the program that surrounds it. Relax, the simulation won't bite and if the provider is good, they'll do their best to take care of the rest.

Hope this helps.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Missing Images in Business Simulation Blog

Hello- Today we launched our entirely new web platform. Nothing looks different, but its and entirely new web architecture. The only problem is: The blog images are missing. We're working on it and hope to have it fixed by Thursday afternoon.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Leadership Development Training and Business Simulations

Leadership Development Training and Business Simulations

We specialize in combining Leadership Development training utilizing business training simulations. Lately, the demand for this has suddenly exploded. In the past 6 months, we have almost focused completely on Leadership Development Simulations. The question is, "Why now?"

Talking with various training and development managers, the clear answer seems to be, "To engage and demonstrate the importance in an effort to gain acceptance and increase adoption."

Some of the comments we've heard are:
"In the past, we've utilized various exercises and engagements, but they are all still within the theory realm and don't apply to the business fundamentals."
"We haven't been able to demonstrate the importance to the business. It's always just been on a trust us basis."
"Everyone knows leadership is important, but it's impact on the business hasn't been considered. It's now become essential we demonstrate this."

We all know that leadership is critical and unique internal competencies are fundamental to effective strategic development and execution. But trying to connect these to business results are exceptionally difficult. Thus, we're often asked, "How do you do this." Unfortunately, the answer is even harder to articulate. In a sense, this is the baseline formula:

Business performance = (+/-1 */ / leadership effectiveness)

The missing ingredient that can't be explained is each business's uniqueness. This is one of those intangible capabilities where we are able to take business, cultural, market, execution uniqueness and apply it to leadership training. This is the indescribably piece of the equation that we are somehow able to translate. Basically, its a combination of education, business, training, and technology that comes naturally to us.

But, if you have the basic understanding the leadership effectiveness influences business training and growth, creating a business leadership simulation is only a few additional steps when combined with a bit of creativity and tenacity.

Not sure this article helps, but it gives insights into the thinking that goes into developing a business leadership simulation training program. Thoughts?

Monday, June 7, 2010

Business Training Simulation- Go'in Green!

In our continued effort to deliver a more green training and development business training simulation, Simulation Development Group is proud to announce that we have cut our computing power requirements in half (sort of) with little to no loss in productivity. How can we create custom training simulations with half the power? Creativity and a good idea from one of our developers. Turn off the processors! What? How can this be done and still be able to use the computer? Well this is quite simple, but takes a little explanation.

First, it's important to understand that we use very powerful computers to create our business training simulations. We use Apple's Mac Pro line of computers.
Yup, we're a Mac shop. Why? Because its far less maintenance and less maintenance means lower costs to our training simulation customers. Yes, of course our business simulations can run on any platform. We just prefer to write them on the Mac.

Anyway, since we write our business simulations on a Mac Pro, there are actually 4-8 processors in each computer (yup, these are very high end computers). This generates a lot of heat and consumes a lot of electricity. Both are bad for the environment. So, why not just turn them off? Well, because it's actually not that easy. After-all, there are no processor switches on the side of the machine.

To drop the energy consumption in half and still be able to create a custom business simulation,
we had to create an application that turns off cores, but still routes data through the right memory buss(es) and caches. We did this.

This means we can continue to create our custom leadership training simulation, business games, business acumen simulations, and business training simulations without any loss in productivity. When it comes time for the training simulation to compile, we simply turn on the additional processors on the fly. Just like a light switch.

So the next time you're thinking about a leadership training simulation, business acumen simulation, corporate development simulation, business training simulation, or any business simulation, know that we are continuing to find creative and innovative ways to reduce our footprint and still delivery the best darn business training simulation available on this big beautiful blue marble we call home.

Have a green day!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Upgrading The Business Training Simulation Engine!

Buckle up business simulation race fans! Are you ready to run your training, organization, leadership, or executive development programs on pure alcohol. Well, rev up and start your engines. SimDevGroup is over haul'in it's core training simulation calculation engine with some super charged components. These training simulation components include:

- Advanced behavioral prediction capabilities. Wow! What ever that means, it sounds fast! It is, sort of. This will enable the training simulation to actually predict what participants are going to do next. This means that during your leadership development or executive development, the training simulation will actually be able to react to participant behavior. Think of it like trying to outsmart your leaders in your leadership development training programs. Kewl!

- Advanced supercharged statistical analysis and behavioral modeling. Wow! That also sounds fast. It is. This means that the training or leadership simulations will be able to calculate decisions quicker (and in smaller file size). If floppies were still around, we'd still fit on those (only the core but still pretty neato).

- Dynamic predictive file loading and unloading. Wow! That sounds like it's really smooth through the gears! It is. For anyone that wants to run their leadership development or business training simulations virtually, no problem! This is more efficient cloud computing at it's best.

- Finally, up to date graphic simulation CODECS- Bye Bye are the days of 1990s file formats. We are going into the next generation and beyond. Wow! That's sounds like it's good look'in too! It is. This means we can reduce file size and increase quality. This is again great for virtual programs. This means when you're doing your leadership development, leadership education, executive development, training, or anything that requires a business training simulation, it will run smoother and be better looking. Win Win Win!

In summary- our business simulations, business training simulation (s), leadership development simulations, or executive development simulations are shiny, new, and ready to rumble. Let's go take 'er around the blog. Start your engines! (burn out sound).

Have a fast holiday weekend!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Virtual vs. In Person Business Training Simulation

Hello SimDev Community-

In talking with one of our customers, the repeated debate of Virtual vs. In Person training came up. Specifically with relevance to using a business training simulation. We have a pretty strong opinion on this topic. If two of the goals are:

1. Leadership Development
2. Learn the entire business

Then in person business training is far more effective. In our experience, we've seen amazing results that come out of general discussions that are not achievable from virtual solutions. In person business training allow participants the ability to talk through scenarios and challenges. They are also given the opportunity to work as a team on a leadership simulation. Finally, in person gives the facilitators the opportunity to observe applicability of leadership competencies.

By no means are we saying that virtual is out all together. There is certainly a place for this. We're just saying that if it's leadership or know the entire business, in person is preferred. But in general business training that includes leadership development is very effective in person.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Business Leadership Simulation

Hello SimDevGroup Community-

Today we're going to talk about utilizing a business training simulation for leadership training. The question is: How can a training simulation be used to help teach leadership and leadership competencies. Here's the summary:
A business training simulation can help reinforce internal leadership competencies by reinforcing the positive impact of demonstrating YOUR internal leadership competencies has on business outcomes. Business outcomes? What exactly does that mean? Basically: Profitability. Or... Whatever business metric that is currently driving shareholder value.

You may be asking, "But how does a business training simulation exactly work with leadership competencies?" There's a combined solution of heavy facilitator involvement (you?), and building the importance of effective leadership into the business training simulation. We work with you to ensure that participant's demonstrate effective leadership and that that behavior is reflecting within the simulation.

So if you're working to try to better integrate the effectiveness of leadership competencies within your training program, feel free to give us a call. It doesn't have to be business training related. We have seen many interesting ways to accomplish this task and are happy to talk through some ideas.

Have a great day!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Training Simulations: Freedom at last!

Hello SimDev Community-

We are very excited to announce SimDevGroup now offer's our custom business training simulation in full unlimited license versions! "Wow! But what does that mean exactly?"

This means the following:

All custom business training simulations will:
- Give you the freedom to run as much as you like without additional costs
- Give you the freedom to run them yourselves (you don't have to pay us to facilitate)
- Give you the freedom to run when, where, and how you wish.
- Drastically reduce the costs of using a custom training simulation

You are free to sim the world over!

If you run your programs more than 5 times a year, then the savings are huge! Leadership and executive development will never be the same.

This means you're executive development and leadership development programs can use a custom business simulation without extra costs (woa, say that again!) It's true. Once you own the business training simulation, you are license fee free! Yipee!

Give us a call or drop us an email for more questions.

Have a nice weekend.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Business Training Simulation on Facebook!

Hello World- From Facebook that is.

We've finally launched a facebook fan site. Go to facebook and do a search for Simulation Development Group. You should be able to find us. If not, let us know. This fan site will be dedicated to new information regarding advancement and activities related to business simulation activity including business training and training simulations.

Just today, there was an article in the WSJ about executive training and utilization of business training simulations. It was a quick read, but just goes on to prove they're advantageous usage within large companies. Training is changing and using a custom business training simulation will make a huge difference.

Check us out on facebook and start following us there as well!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Site Updated- Finally

Hello SimDev Community!

Finally, we've updated the web site. Amazing looking, isn't it? Actually no. We made significant changes, but nothing you can really see: yet. We Did a few things that should make accessing business simulation related news and information easier.

- Changed the architecture of the site so it's more easily expandable
- Changed the core navigation links so it's geared towards Business Simulations and Training & Development
- It's more green! No, not the color. But when people want to print pages, it uses more than 39% less toner. We eliminated the header images from being printed which drastically reduces the amount of Toner. Yea!
- Under each section (such as Business Simulation and Training & Development), there are now easier to access sub topics (such as Business Games, Training Simulations, Leadership Development Simulations).

That's really about it. We are hitting a few speed bumps which we'll hopefully iron out soon. Most of them you probably can't see.

Happy browsing!


Friday, April 9, 2010

Where In The World Is SimDevGroup?

Hello SimDev Community-

Wow! It's been over a month since we've sent out a business training simulation related update. This is shameful and we're sorry. "But why?", you ask. It's the classic 'we've been busier than we'd like'. The good news is that we've been busy with much needed and highly focused business simulation related R&D. As a team, we stopped traveling and locked ourselves in a room for over a month trying to solve a particular training simulation problem that has frustrated us and our customers for a long time. We can't announce it yet since its still in testing, but this was time very well spent. Stay Tuned! We'll be helping you out when it comes to custom business training simulations soon.

The other reason we've been out of touch is that we are once again, preparing for a web site update. We know, we know: We just did this. But this is part 2 of 3. You will hardly notice any changes. All the changes are at an architectural level. Some of the improvements to the web site are:

- Faster page loading
- More modern Java
- Printing style sheets
- A foundation for expansion
- No Blog Mungie-ness

The key takeaway here is the expansion component. We plan on offering more and more learning tools for our community and we'll be able to post business simulation related tips, tools, tricks, and resources that will help our followers. We hope to launch this site in the next 30 days. This should align with our ability to announce results that came from our business simulation related R&D.

Stay tuned, great things to come this Spring!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

5 Tips for Facilitating a Business Simulation

Hello Everyone-

Our last post talked about the fact that the trend is clearly moving towards you facilitating a business simulation more. This is great! We thought we'd help with 5 tips for facilitating a business simulation program. Here goes:

5. Get Involved!- Be involved in the development of the business simulation. You'll know the program better.

4. Keep a Secret- Remember: the participants don't know what's inside the business simulation. Keep it this way.

3. Quiet Time- When you are looking at the results of the business simulation, do it in a quiet place without distraction.

2. Tell a Story- When providing the 'what happened' in the simulation, look for a story or theme. Its more interesting and educational.

1. Be Prepared!- A business simulation is complex. Make sure you really take the time, concentration, and focus when preparing for a results presentation. Its critical!

Have fun! Feel free to contact us if we can help.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Business Simulation Facilitation: Less Us, More You!

Handing Keys
Times are certainly changing when it comes to facilitating a business simulation. In the past year, our customers are facilitating more and more business simulation programs. We couldn't be more excited. This is especially the case now that we can help you facilitate without the travel- This is great for everyone. In the past, facilitating a business simulation in real time was exceptionally challenging. With the trend moving more towards rapid delivery (aka: more manageable), and utilization of cloud computing, More and more customers are facilitating themselves.

We couldn't be more excited. We strongly believe that having you in front of leaders is critical. Its impressive to show a business simulation in action. Especially when it has an impact on business strategy. We say: Keep it up! Get in front of business leaders and show off utilizing a business simulation for training and development. We'll make sure you look great!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Google Likes SimDevGroup

Dunno why we're talking about this, but its kinda fun. A customer told us yesterday that when you do a Google search for custom business simulations, SimDevGroup is number 1 and 2 in the organic search category. We must be doing something right :). This will probably change over time (usually does on Google), but its fun for now.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Business Simulation- Cloud Computing Article

Hello Everyone-

In a past post, we talked about a cloud computing based business simulation we're rolling out. We've received a few questions about cloud computing. Today, the Wall Street Journal talks about cloud computing and its a pretty good article. Very basic, but interesting.

Click here:
Cloud Computing- What is it exactly

Happy reading!
- SimDevGroup

Friday, February 5, 2010

Business Simulation Facilitation: You’re The Rock Star!

Hello SimDev Community-

We want to take a moment to remind you that when it comes to business simulation facilitation, you are the star! For some reason, when prospective customers call, they are surprised that we encourage your team to facilitate the simulation program. As a reminder:

It’s important for you and your team to stay in front of the leaders of your organization.

When it comes to business simulation facilitation, we make sure you’re the rock star! Don’t forget to take your bows at the end of the program :^)

Have a great weekend,
- SimDevGroup

PS- Sorry, we couldn't resist posting this image. ;^)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Business Simulations, Tailored Simulations, and Custom Business Simulations

We’ve touched on this before, but the question seems to be asked with more frequency lately, “What’s the difference between a business simulation, tailored simulation, and a custom business simulation?” This is a good question and tough to answer.

It’s important to note that everyone seems to have different definitions of simulation and this gets confusing when compared to business games (serious games). We can only tell you how we define business simulation in context to our services.

Business Simulation-
This is software solution that bears strong resemblance to part of or an entire business. It is important to understand that this can be any business. A business simulation is often canned. It might be similar to all or part of your business, but it is not a model of your actual business. A business simulation is useful when you’re trying to teach general business skills (acumen). If you’re trying to create strategic shift, these aren’t usually very useful.

Tailored Simulation-
This is the same as a business simulation, but may have some basic changes that might more closely resemble your business. An example of some changes are product name changes, company name, or general high level changes. In many cases this is a business simulation with some straight forward changes. In general, this is still considered pretty canned.

Custom Business Simulation-
This is a business simulation that bears very close resemblance to your actual business (or part of). Most importantly items such as core values (competencies), strategy, products, and methods are incorporated within a custom simulation. A custom simulation may have a similar core calculation engine to a business simulation, but everything else is different. All the results that come from a custom business simulation are developed around your learning goals. These simulations are most useful when strategy shift or process change needs to take place rapidly.

Now, the next logical question is, “Which one should I use?” This is a good question and very much depends on your needs. If you are looking to teach generic skills or provide and experiential general overview, go with a canned business simulation. If you’re looking to create rapid change or introduce your leaders to the overall business, a custom solution is the best fit. Here’s a pictorial overview:


We hope this helps.
- SimDev Team