Friday, July 19, 2013

Business Simulations, Strategic Alignment, and Human Resources

Hello World-

Are you looking to create organizational alignment using a business simulation? This is great! But here's another questions: Are you from the Human Resources Department? If not, you should stop reading right now and engage your HR manager. The reason this is being brought up is that this is probably the single wisest step you can take. Aligning employees behind a new corporate strategy will take far more than just implementing a nice shiny business simulation! It takes someone who really understands organization development and human assets!

Tips To Engaging HR for Strategic Alignment

Tip 1: If you haven't contacted HR, do it now! This is a no brainer.
Tip 2: You need to be as clear and transparent as possible with what you are hoping to achieve and when. The HR manager will help you figure out how.
Tip 3: Keep your HR manager very very involved in the process of creating a strategic alignment business simulation. They will help you more than you could ever imagine!
Tip 4: It is important to remember that you are talking about changing both people's behavior and changing their jobs. This is unsettling to people. Be patient and keep communication open. Your HR manager will certainly help you with this.
Tip 5: Don't get sold into a massive business simulation for strategic alignment. They aren't necessary for this. Go with something manageable and you'll see much greater success and probably save a good amount of budget.

Hope this helps. Have a terrific weekend!

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